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Susan Moss

Volunteer with the Hall County Meals on Wheels program for 15 years, served on Hall County Board of Realtors, is a past HCBR president and Realtor of the year, sings in her church choir and is a local leader for Bible Study Fellowship International.  Her involvement with Wisdom Project 2030 started in 2021 as a graduate of the leadership program and recently co-led Arts and Entertainment Day during Senior Leadership Program 2022.  Her current role with WP is serving on the marketing and symposium steering committees.

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Mike Hill
Vice President

Mike’s consulting experience extends over 25 years with expertise in improving profitability and reducing workloads. Specialties encompass improving sales, marketing, financial management, operations, technology, talent, governance and logistics. Additional skills include acquisitions and project management.

Mike has served in a variety of leadership roles including acting Chief Executive of the Verizon Wireless spin-off companies, CEO of Woodstock Gas, National Director of Internal Consulting for Prudential and a Senior Consultant with Ernst and Young.

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Cathey Sexton

Serves on the Wisdom Project Member Meetings Committee.  Co-planner for the Business/Industry/Agriculture Session of the Wisdom Project Leadership Program for the last few years. Coordinator for the Community Food Pantry for St. Paul UMC and serves on various church committees.  Sings in the church choir and plays handbells.  Previously served as board member for Hall-Dawson CASA and Foothills of Georgia SHRM chapter.

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Amy Youngblood

Led the United Way Campaign for The Minute Maid Company including a charity golf tournament; volunteered for the United Way Street to Home program; served as treasurer for Bungalow Park Homeowners Association; Atlanta Chapter Network for Executive Women Board Member and Treasurer; Board member and Treasurer for Community Advanced Practice Nurses (an organization that provides free health care to the homeless and medically underserved) and participate annually in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. 

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Duane Hinshaw 
Past President

Retired as senior executive for Boys and Girls Club of America’s National Organization; started a non-profit organization, Non-Profit Breakthrough Leadership; Member of Gainesville’s Kiwanis Club, Knights of Columbus, serves on the Advisory Board of the Regional Juvenile Justice/detention Center, and volunteers with Boys and Girls Club.

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Jerry Butler
IT Committee Chair

Member of “The Believers Concert Band”; Founding Board member of ITN Lanier and served as ITN Lanier’s Treasurer, Board Chair and Executive Director; election poll volunteer for Hall County; HOA Board of Directors, Chair of Wisdom Project IT Committee.

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Ann Dresher
Member at Large

Served 2 years on the Board as Treasurer with Gainesville Newcomers Club, and then 1 year as Director of Meetings. Served on the Board as Treasurer with Lanier Women’s Club.  Served as Director of Christian Education with Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church ~ Peachtree City, GA. Volunteer as a driver for Meals on Wheels ~ Gainesville, GA; Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity ~ Jacksonville, FL.

Business degree (Marketing) from Auburn University ~ Class of ’79.



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Tracy Lees-Grant
Wisdom Project Program Committee Chair

Wisdom Project 2021 grad and currently serving as Chair of the Wisdom Project Program. 

Service - the Junior League since 1971, Presbyterian Church Sessions & groups/committees, Stephen Ministry Leader, Leadership Miami, Miami YMCA Board, Girl Scouts, work at various hospitals, school parent stuff, dog stuff, and various other Boards. 

Career - Dept. store buyer, VP of manufacturer rep group, owner of office furniture dealership serving the East Coast, pharma sales and training management, owner of consultancy for sales training and management development to pharma & biotech, real estate, and insurance industries. 

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Beverly Nordholz
Member at Large

Over 50 years in the field of education, working for the
Gainesville City Schools for 35+ years, directing the First
Presbyterian Church Child Development Center, and the
Brenau University Early Learning Center. Volunteer activities
include serving on the Board of the Gainesville/Hall County Boys' Club, President of the Chestnut Mountain P.T.A., Secretary of the Gainesville High P.T.A ., Candidate in Dancing for a Cause, United
Way, and March of Dimes. Alumni of the University of Alabama.

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Kim Melton
Member at Large

Life Member of Girl Scouts of the USA:  Active on the local level (Gainesville), Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia Council (approximately 75% of the state), and national level (delegate to the 2023 National Council Meeting); Professor Emeritus in the Mike Cottrell College of Business at the University of North Georgia; volunteer member of the leadership team of Retired Treasures Thrift Shop at Lanier Village Estates; and Senior Member of American Society for Quality.

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Strother Randolph
Member at Large

Resident of Gainesville since 1977.

Retired in 2018 after a 48- year insurance career, the last  32 as managing partner of The Norton Agency, Insurance division.

Leadership positions with various local organizations include United Way of Hall County, Junior Achievement, North Georgia Community Foundation, NE Georgia Health System, and Gainesville Kiwanis Club. Held statewide offices with American Heart Association and the Professional Insurance Agents Association of Georgia.

As Wisdom volunteer, was a driver for several years for ITN Lanier.

Married to wife and partner Cindy for 54 years, with two daughters and two grandchildren.

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Gary Vogel
Project Development Committee Chair

Medically needy Foster parent, Adaptive parent, Sunday school department director, Church Deacon, Home base Bible Study leader, Special needs children camp leader, Local business owner, Small business consultant , High school youth mentor.

Wisdom Project 2030 Inc. 
PO Box 581
Gainesville, GA 30503